Monday, March 29, 2010

New Stories coming soon

I just heard that I've had a Quickie accepted by Ellora's Cave - based on my skiing holiday and escapade in another sort of cave!! Yippeee!!!
I've also had 'Fight to Remember' accepted by Loose Id. This is the last story in the Trueblood vampire series and ends with characters from all the books in a final chapter. Another Yippeee!!! And a boohoo - I could have kept going but LI don't want long series.
And to keep anyone who's vaguely interested up to date - I'm working on a paranormal for Ellora's Cave - about a quarter written so far. This will be my first paranormal for them since I wrote 'Power of Love'.

1 comment:

Arlene said...

This is a lovely story, so glad it's been accepted. Not that I had any doubts. Congrats!