Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Something to cool you down and warm you up

1NS Blog Hop
July 5 – 8, 2012
32 participating authors!
THREE Grand Prizes!!
1st place – A Kindle Touch
2nd place – a $50 gift certificate

3rd place - a box of Goodies from Coffee Time Romance - US ONLY (books, swag and other goodies)

Plus, win prizes at every stop of the blog hop!

On July 5, start here, and have fun hopping!

Winners will be randomly drawn from all those who comment on the blogs. For one randomly selected commentator on THIS blog, I offer a free e-copy of my One Night Stand story - On The Right Track. Please make sure to include your email address if you want a chance of winning.

On The Right Track

Always driving through life along the straight and narrow, Hollie wants a break from staying within the lines. She hopes a hookup at 1NightStand with a tall fair-haired guy who’s organized and sensible, likes small-breasted brunettes, and can deal with any crisis life throws at him, will jar her from the mundane path she’s been on.

Except what seemed like the perfect plan when she set off, turns into the worst idea ever as the snow falls thickly. Slipping and sliding, her arms numb from clenching the wheel, she becomes frantic to avoid what’s looming in front of her.

Dark-haired Nick is on his way to a party with hopes of connecting with a busty blonde—assuming he’s even on the right road and can dig himself out of a heap of snow before he freezes solid. Too bad he never plans ahead, no coat and no shovel in the car, and soon he won’t even see a road at all, let alone any vehicle barrelling down it.

When two hearts get lost in a snowstorm of what they think they want, can Madame Eve's magic put them back on the right track?

                                                              *  *  *  *

I have a horror of driving in snow. I've had a couple of near misses with walls and other vehicles but no accidents fortunately. In the UK - we always seem to get taken by surprise when flakes fall from the sky. Traffic grinds to a standstill, schools close, supermarkets run out of essentials. Other countries seem to cope so much better but my husband tells me its because they have the right tires on their cars! Ours are more to deal with rain than snow. 
But Hollie's accident has a huge bonus in the form of Nick. Not saying it would be worth having an accident if it resulted in meeting this gorgeous guy - but then again.....

Click below to link to all the other authors in this blog hop!


Jessica E. Subject said...

Thanks for participating in the hop, Barbara!

I absolutely loved On the Right Track! We get snow here pretty much every winter,though the last one was rather bare. I've only ever driven off the road once, ending up in a farmer's field. Thank goodness there was no ditch in between the road and the field. There was on the other side though.

Barbara Elsborg said...

I do like to see it, but drive in it - no!!Thanks for commenting, Jessica.

andieleah said...

Hi Barbara! I get alot of snow where I live and I also commute 50 miles to work so I finally learned some good tips. Don't be scared of the snow you actually have more traction than you think. Sometimes you need to go slow but sometimes you need some speed, like going up hills. If you start to slide shift into neutral, you will slide straight. Don't slam on your brakes pump them. If you have a 4wd vehicle do not turn it on!!! People think this will help them go faster but this only means you have 4 wheels sliding instead of 2!!!!! Also dress for the weather!! I always have a blanket, extra gloves, stocking caps stored in my trunk. And boy do I love my insulated coveralls!!! I know i'm a geek but if I break down...i'm a warm geek!!! I love that I can make it 50 miles to work when others can't make it 10!!! Insert evil laugh here!!!

Yvette said...

Living in the northeast we get a lot of driving.

Anonymous said...

We used to get alot of snow now we just get lucky if we get any it all.

Drea Becraft said...

This year the snow wasn't that bad. Now in years past I made sure I stocked up on food and stuff all the time to avoid the stores when a storm would roll through. Me and the white stuff do not mesh well lol.


Anonymous said...

Loved your blurb and can't wait to read the whole story. I hate driving in the snow. No matter whether I take my car or hubby's car I always seem to slip and slide all over the place - luckily no accidents though.

jlhmass at yahoo dot com

JM said...

Sorry, I love the snow, and I certainly don't mind driving in it.
On the Right Track sounds wonderful! Throw my name in the hat!
author jm madden @ gmail . com

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks for all your comments, guys. I honestly think that tyres - or tires!! in the UK are not meant for snow!! They cope better with rain but the moment we get the slightest smattering on the ground, all hell breaks loose on our roads. We slither and slide all over the place. Thanks for the tips, Andie!! You sound like you know what you're doing!!

Arlene said...

85 degrees and climbing on a muggy July day,I wish it was snowing now regardless what tires/tyres I have on the car. I also wish I was reading On the Right Track again, right now...oh wait, I own a copy! Bye...

Unknown said...

I had to drive in what I still refer to as snowpocalypse last year. It my first time ever driving in snow & icy roads. I was petrified. It was a 3 hour drive to the airport to fetch the Hub. Obviously if the airport was open it wasn't all that bad. Personally it was one of my worst experiences.
vanessa (at)thejeepdiva(dot) com

Carin said...

I think I would sacrifice the car for a hot guy LOL!
I grew up in the West here in the US and we got a lot of snow. that being said for whatever reason people who drive in the snow year after year forget how to drive in it and the first and second storm of the year is a nightmare!
Thanks for the chance to win your book. Carin

Melissa Keir said...

Snow is pretty much the way of life in Michigan. We are huge snow drivers. It is a fact of life.

Anonymous said...

The blurb sounds fantastic. I'd love to win a copy. :)


Anne said...

If I was to meet Mr. Right in a similar circumstance, it would never happen. I'm lucky to be able to leave work or not go in if I deem the weather too bad (I do have to take vacation time, but short notice is no problem).

Buffy Kennedy said...

Thanks for participating, I love the 1NS series :-)


VS Morgan said...

Hi Barbara,

Just wanted to stop by and say hi to a fellow DP author. On the Right Track sounds like a great read.

Anonymous said...

Driving through snow is no fun to me from the little exposure that I've had with it. At least, the snow can make the holiday season more festive.
Your story sounds really interesting with the two MCs wanting total opposites for their 1NS.

strive4bst at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I left Chicago to get away from the snow. I love Seattle's mild weather. I can find snow in the mountains if I miss it. lol

Geishasmom73 at yahoo dot com

Elaine G said...

Sounds like a great book. We get way too much snow.Not looking forward to winter.


bas1chs said...

I don't mind snow - but that's because I live in an area that doesn't get a lot of snow so it's not really a problem.
Thanks for being part of the hop!
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Hey Barbara!

Being a Canadian, I can relate to the trecherous driving in snow, lol

Great post!

Cathy M said...

I've had a couple of near misses too and refuse to drive in the snow anymore.

Caity_mack@yahoo dot com

Ashlynn Monroe said...

Just saying hi and the book looks great!

Sue Sattler said...

It seems the older I get the more I hate driving in the snow. Of course living in Michigan staying off the roads when it snows isn't an option.


Julianne said...

The snow is pretty, but I don't like to drive in it. If it could manage to stay off the roads that would be great. Sometimes we get so much snow it lasts for a couple of months and some winters we barely get any snow at all.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Vanessa N. said...

I don't like driving in it either. This one sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway.

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks for your comments, guys!! I really love it when I get more than 2 people commenting on a post! It makes me feel loved - for a few days at least.

Zee Monodee said...

Gotta love 'chance' meetings when later on you find out Fate had been at work all along :)

zeemonodee [at] hotmail [dot] com

D L Jackson said...

I loved On the Right Track, Barbara. In fact I love all your stories. I have to run to work, but I wanted to hop by and say hi before I have to head to the daily grind.

D L Jackson

Cate Masters said...

Sounds like another wonderful story, Barbara! You know I'm a fan.

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks again, guys!!! Rained all day here, I think I'd rather have snow!

Barbara Elsborg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks for the bloghop!


Molly said...

I don't like driving in the snow either! Too much slippery-ness going on. Thanks for the chance to win....I love the sound of this story!


Lisa said...

I live in South Florida. No snow here, so I don't have to drive in it. Works out well


Shannon said...

Ohhh another book of yours I can't wait to read! Loving these hop things. Great way to meet new authors! And I'm in Michigan so we get tons of snow. But that's why i drive a giant SUV.

Unknown said...

I love the 1NS, and I'm a sucker for a snowstorm romance.

sarashafer at rocketmail dot com

Toni said...

I'm a snow baby from Alaska and Northern Idaho, and there is nothing worst than the first snowfall. It's best to just avoid the craziness. Thanks for shring On the Right Track. It sounds like fun!


Susan W. said...

I love snow just don't want to drive in it! Thanks for the blog hop!


Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks again for all the comments. I really appreciate it. I need to add - STILL raining here. I definitely need to think about building an ark. If this lot had fallen as snow, our house would be buried!

Brandi Slater said...

People in my city either drive like crazy in the snow and on the ice or they go 5mph....there is no in-between. For me, I don't go too slow but I'm also not trying to go slipping off the road or into another vehicle. Our roads get pretty bad but fortunately I have never gotten into an accident. Thanks for being part of the blog hop!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thank you, Brandi! Yep you're right - either too fast or too slow. Hmmm - idea for a story.....

L. A. Green said...

Loved this story! I grew up in the northern LP of MIchigan so it reminded me of home and those snowy, snowy winter nights. LOL Not that my area of New Mexico doesn't get more than it's share of snow! But at least I learned early how to drive in the stuff.

Barbara Elsborg said...

I wish I could drive in it, Laurie. I'm going to continue to blame the tires - tyres.

Cate Masters said...

I'm commenting again just to show you some extra love. :) But you still have more comments than me!
Wish it would rain here and cool us down - it's over 100 degrees here. Sizzlin'!

Tamaria Soana said...

I live in Buffalo so I get A LOT of Snow. I haven't read On The Right Track but look forward to doing so!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks, Cate and Tamaria. I know 100 degrees is hot but I wish we had some sun. I am so fed up of rain and clouds. The weather guys this morning said at least another month of it. That's the olympics washed out then!!!

Erykah Wyck said...

We get so little snow here that everyone freaks out when it comes :)

Anyway Just stopping in to support my fellow 1ns authors :)

Unknown said...

I live in Florida now, so no snow -- ever! Although it seems our thunderstorms have the ability to paralyze traffic, and we have hurricanes to help empty the shelves on grocery and hardware stores!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Kerry said...

I could use some snow now. It is over 100 degrees outside. lol. Your story sounds great! thanks for sharing!

Eva's Flowers said...

I live in Phoenix, so never driven in anything other than rain...except when I was sent to DC last year for work, in January...I had a rental car and the first half of the week was fine, but that Wed. man oh man, did mother nature decide to unleash a whole heap of snow. I was going to try to drive to my hotel, but I couldn't even make it out of the garage, cars stuck everywhere. So my co-worker and I bundled up and trecked to my hotel and we bundled up in my room, since she couldn't drive home either. It was an experience!


Unknown said...

Can't stand snow, but have to deal every winter.

Pam said...

I don't fear driving in snow. I always kind of liked it, but I am more cautious than I used to be.

On the Right Track sounds great. I actually really like snowstorm related stories. I guess because the cold whether tends to bring people together, snuggling for warmth and all. :)
Thank you for the chance to win!


Catherine Lee said...

I don't like driving in the snow either. That's why we moved from the frozen tundra of Pennsylvania, USA to a more southern locale near the beach!
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

love to see the snow from warm, safe indoor places or on a movie screen, hate driving in it! I do love your works (and I have On the Right Track) I just thought I'd let you know! :D


Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks so much for the comments everyone. I've never had so many people on my blog. I'm tickled pink!!!
Seems like there aren't many of us who like driving in snow. I applaud those who don't mind it!!

June M. said...

This sounds like a really good book. I tend to stay off the roads as much as possible when there is snow &/or ice on the roads.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Good morning! I don't mind the snow. The worst is the ice storms that come through here. Those are just plain scary. Then to lose power for days in freezing temps is not fun. Give me snow...and a hot guy any day.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

JoAnna said...

Sounds like a great book. I haven't had an accident caused by snow. But I did have one caused by ice. Luckily the house and I survived. Long story!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Beckerjo at Verizon dot net

Dominique Eastwick said...

I am thinking something cool rightnow to read would be perfect.

Hopping in to support my fellow 1NS authors :)

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks everyone. I saw a small ice storm in Canada once - it was just aweinspiring and awful at the same time. I couldn't believe everything could freeze like that!

Unknown said...

Love your post hon. On the Right Track sounds like a great read. I live in the South, I am yet to see a snow flake. So I have no experience with driving through snow, but that sounds scary as hell. People already drive like they are mad when it is raining down here, I couldn't imagine how bad it would be when it is snowing :( Great post again hon and thank you for the giveaway :)

drharleyquinn87 (at) gmail (dot) com

Sherry Gloag said...

I remember driving through snow to collect my sister from Edinburgh airport. Talk about white-out. That was pretty scary, but made a great memory to write a short story around:-)

Adila Mammadova said...

Snowing is not usual, but rare thing in my country, Azerbaijan.

Thanks for being part of the HOP.

Adila said...

We don't get a large amount of snow where I live, so when it does snow, we always have people skidding all over. I got a new car for christmas last year, I love it, the tires look awesome...they suck so bad in the snow it is not funny. I spun all over the road, slipped and slid, and parked it and took the four wheel drive.

Unknown said...

I live in eastern Kentucky so we see a lot of snow. The past two winters haven't been as bad. Not sure what is up with mother nature right now. It was nice not to have the snow to drive in. But I love to watch it fall and cover earth while I'm sitting warm inside drinking hot chocolate and curled up with a good book.

Kristina's Books & More said...

I live in Texas and have never seen snow before. I would like to, but I think I would tire of it quickly. I am used to the heat and get cold easily.

Shadow said...

I live in Michigan. Lots of snow here during the winter, although this year, surprisingly we didnt get much. It was NICE! lol Thank you so much for the giveaway and the awesome hop!

Tina B said...

It sounds like a wonderful read. I live in Florida, so we do not get any snow here. When I was younger, I lived up north and actually learned how to drive in the snow. I have been in several accidents due to it, though none serious, thankfully. :)
Thank you for the giveaway.
trb0917 at

Emily said...

Well, I live in the South, so snow doesn't really happen around here. I love going up North though and playing in the snow up there! :) Thanks for participating!!


Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks so much for all the fantastic comments - the winner is Carin! Your ebook is on the way. Good luck to all in the big draw for the other prizes. Jessica will be announcing the winners.

Tina B said...

Congrats to the winner. :)