Saturday, January 29, 2011

The power of love

I'm not a fan of films that I know will make me cry. I used to love disaster stories but now I worry too much it might happen to me or my family. I might be one of the few people in the world who hasn't watched Titanic. I've seen clips but never the whole thing.
But last night - husband off skiing so I was on my own, I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Wow. And I have to confess here that unlike most people in the world, I'm not a fan of Brad Pitt. Now I am. What a film. It was just lovely. Long but lovely. Of course I cried and cried at the end.
It reminded me of The Time Traveller's Wife in many ways. I cried at the end of that too. But both films were also uplifting. The power and joy of love shone through.
I want that sort of love in my books. Love that makes people sit up and sigh - maybe sometimes cry, but at the end of the story - they have to smile. I like to leave people happy. (Though crying with happiness is okay!)


L. A. Green said...

Oh, I echo so many of your thoughts. Out of Africa, The Bridges of Madison County and Nights in Rodanthe are all moving, powerful films, but sometimes I have to turn them off before the end just to avoid the tears and sniffles. I don't want to grieve for these characters I've grown to care about and think of as friends. I want them to have the happiness they deserve. Think how much more powerful these movies would be if they had the HEA or HFN ending necessary in a true romance.

I know in life not everything turns out for the best, but if I'm going to be entertained by a few hours in film fantasyland, I'd rather the experience end with a happy sigh than tears running down my cheeks and an empty box of kleenex beside me on the couch. IMHO, an HEA is everything.

Arlene said...

I think that love, in it's strongest form, shines with tears and smiles in every one of your novels and absolutely, like Laurie says, that happy ending is a must. Leaving the reader happy and uplifted is a great goal to strive for.

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks, girls!! yep it has to be HEA at least. I generally want to finish watching a film feeling happy I watched it. Mind you I like the Sound of Music!! That gets me every time.